Venus would have been an ice-coated ‘comet’, Desborough says, and the ice would have disintegrated when Venus approached the Earth and reached a point known as the Roche Limit.18 This is a vibrational safety device, if you like. When two bodies are on collision course, the one with the smallest mass starts to disintegrate at the Roche Limit. In this case, the ice would have been projected from Venus’s surface towards the Earth. Also, as it entered the so-called Van Allen Belt, which absorbs much of the dangerous radiation from the Sun, the ice would have been ionised - magnetised - and therefore attracted to the Earth’s magnetic poles.19 Billions of tons of ice, cooled to -273 degrees centigrade, would have fallen on the polar regions, flash-freezing everything in little more than an instant.20 This, at last, would explain the mystery of the mammoths found frozen where they stood. The mammoth, contrary to belief, was not a cold region animal, but one which lived in temperate grasslands. Somehow those temperate regions were frozen in a moment. Some mammoths have been found frozen in the middle of eating! There you are munching away and the next thing you know you’re an ice lolly. If this ionised ice did rain down from Venus, the biggest build up would have been nearest to the magnetic poles because they would have had the most powerful attraction. Again, that is the case. The ice mass in the polar regions is greater at the poles than at the periphery and yet there is less snow and rain at the poles to create such a build up.21 The Venus scenario explains this. In the Book of Job, which is believed to be an Arab work much older than the rest of the Bible, the question is asked: “Whence cometh the ice?” I would say we could have the answer. This further explains how the ancients could have had maps of what the north and south poles looked like before the ice was there. The poles were ice-free until about 7,000 years ago. There was no ice age as officially suggested. It’s another illusion. When you look at the ‘evidence’ that
official science presents to support the conventional idea of an ice age and the way this ‘evidence’ is fundamentally contradicted by the provable facts, it is astonishing how such nonsense could become conventional ‘truth’ in the first place.22 Before this incredible cataclysm, and/or one of the others, the Earth had a uniform tropical climate, as fossilised plants have shown. This would have been changed not only by the arrival of the ice on the surface, but also by the destruction of a canopy of water vapour around the Earth, as described in Genesis and other ancient texts. This canopy would have ensured a uniform tropical climate everywhere, but suddenly it was gone.
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