Unbalancing the Matrix
One of the problems with back-engineering UFO drive systems is that any one type of UFO craft may have at least four different configurations of propulsion at the crew's disposal, their choice of which being dependant on what type of manoeuvre the crew intends to undertake and from what spatial environment their craft is required to move from - and of course how rapidly. All configurations though are either electrical or electromagnetic in nature, and the term "anti-gravity" seems now to be a misnomer as not all configurations directly oppose a gravity force as such. As a term anti-gravity suggests a force directed against another force - and while that dynamic is regarded as the norm on earth and is something science engineers do with jet-thrust to push a brute force against the air the ETs mostly prefer to engineer an energy imbalance distant to their craft to be pulled toward. Its probably more true to say that an alien UFO develops a partnership with universal energies from its designers knowing that whenever those energies are locally un-balanced the universal matrix will locally re-normalise back to its previous shape - in other words, that in order for the ETs to take advantage of the vast sea of potential universal energy that makes up our atmosphere and our corner of space (that we see mostly in its ZPE zero-point-energy state) those forces have first to be manipulated by these UFO craft into a state of un-balance.
Torsion field configuration
As is suggested in drawing no. 18 (ASBT bk1) the ETs use energy systems that wind up the potential-difference (electrical and atmospheric pressure and gravitational density) between the energy envelope their craft operates in and the location in space that they want to move to. They are creating with their craft's double-helix force-field a clockwork spring effect in the matrix of the vacuum-electromagnetic (ZPE) field of space, creating a torsional strain, if you like, in the elasticity of the space-time matrix - pulling the matrix out of shape and then while still holding an attachment to it with the craft's energy envelope they will ride with the unwinding of that strain as the matrix renormalizes, to the location, or the path toward which, they have aimed for. Essentially by a sort of reverse-inertia force that continually applies a forward-pulling force upon any associated matter.
Solid air sky hook
From this basic hypothesis there are two lines of conjecture for a UFO's movement through air in our atmosphere; the first was explained to me by Warren York (ex-U.S. Marine/Army X-Pilot, Physics/Engineer and author of the YGEM quantum particle model) when discussing the helical drive force and the FTL (faster than light) capability of the "Onion" hyper-drive system. This first aspect of the plasma torsion field is that at a critical rate of rotation or frequency the plasma will become "solid" to the surrounding air, and begin to move through it, just as Warren says here...
"To move through space be it against gravity or just move using the new technology one must couple to the Continuum. That is the space-time matrix itself. To do this there are several methods. One of which is to use a media as plasma to couple to. Now the plasma at a specific rate will become solid to the matrix and couple with it or move it as an airplane propeller moves the air and a boat propeller moves the water.
"Your craft will or should do the same thing. Notice you have plasma moving in a screw manner. This is the propeller to the matrix. You are creating a plasma toroid. At your 20KHz or so you speak of the plasma must couple. That is about the same frequency the US Air Force found for it to couple by the way (also see USAF (Phillips Laboratory) public release PL-TR-92-3044 "Force-Free Time-Harmonic Plasmoids" by Jack Nachamkin (Oct. 1992) University of Dayton Research Institute, Dayton Ohio wherein it states, "...a critical frequency exists, below which the current cannot be carried by electrons and the plasmoid remain stable.").
"It is an aether hook. You are coupled to the Continuum and you are also riding time flow. You are also producing a pump effect which can be looked at as a screw-effect and it is. It pumps time-flow and the craft rides the time-line into place. Up the screw and a forward vector motion takes place - but so does dilation. If the dilation did not also take place the pilot would be crushed to the floor of the craft. It is a true 'warp' craft. Its drive is that of warp technology. You are playing with both time and space. On earth man only plays with fixed space."
With reference to the above USAF statement PL-TR-92-3044 it presumably refers to the plasmoid's dielectric constant K (or permittivity) and is stating that there exists a critical frequency, above which a plasmoid's permittivity suddenly changes... Is it inferring a coupling with the surrounding aether ...? (I mention this now as the subject of the dielectric constant - particularly with respect to the "Polarizable Vacuum" of space - will feature prominently below).
This same "propeller-collective" effect of a rotating plasma was exhibited by one of the many Searl-Effect-Generator (SEG) models constructed by Prof. J.R.R. Searl in the 1970s as described by S.Gunnar Sandberg, "The generator was tested by Searl and a friend of his in the open and the armature was set in motion by a small engine. The device produced an unexpectedly high electrostatic potential in the radial direction. At relatively low armature speeds a very high voltage was produced and indicated by static effects on nearby objects. Characteristic crackling and the smell of ozone supported the conclusion... The unexpected then occurred. The generator lifted while still speeding up, broke the union between itself and the engine, and rose to an altitude of about 50 feet. Here it stayed for a while, still speeding up and surrounded itself in a pink halo. This indicated ionization of the air at a much-reduced pressure... Finally, the whole generator accelerated at a fantastic rate and is believed to have gone off into space." [from a report on the Searl-Effect (dated 1986) by S.Gunnar Sandberg (University of Sussex)]. This part of that report STATES EXACTLY the process of the rotating electric plasma "collective" building up above the SEG and becoming solid to the aether when it rose to 50 feet and momentarily stopped, for while it developed around it an envelope of much-reduced pressure in mid-air it was sucking up/winding up an energy field into the air above it, seeking with it an electric balance - and when it reached a critical power threshold of the energy imbalances it was generating it shot off into space, riding the 'greater than* ZPE' ride at colossal speed.
[* I think the concepts of both ZPE and ZPF, zero-point-energy and zero-point-fluctuations (or fields), have for too long been viewed from the viewpoint of math-fatigued physicists. Look at ZPE as would an electronics engineer... our computers work by having a zero-point-energy... for when the positive voltage is switched on it will only drive something when a potential difference arises from its current path to a zero-voltage connection. Similarly, the sparrow sitting on a 25,000 volt cable atop a pylon is sitting with no danger of being fried in a zero-point environment because it has no other connection to the ground state. There is a zero-point-energy state this side of the event horizon of the biggest black hole in space. If there is an environment at "zero-point" it means zero in relation to the detector - which is obviously at the same level of potentiality. So with respect to this much ignored field of study, it is not zero because there is no energy in space, it is zero because its fluctuations of energy through its collective of frequencies, over time, are cancelled out to zero - and because the calculations formulated into Einstein's geometrodynamics pre-required it to be zero !! So, as with the Searl Effect Generator mentioned above, an engineered state of less-than-ZPE or an engineered state of greater-than-ZPE will therefore equate to potential differences that can be used as would an energy or density differential. Perhaps as this document is about the drive systems that project rotating energy-imbalance fields the above term would more accurately be 'riding the higher density than Balance Point Energy ride at colossal speed' ].
Instant 'grunt' power
The second line of conjecture is mostly the result of studying visual evidence, from really good film footage taken recently of UFOs over Mexico and USA, depicting craft of various shapes (disc and cylinder) that propagate an energy field both upward and downward. Why should these craft propagate two seemingly opposing energy fields ? The answer to this question has led to probably the most fascinating of developments in the whole understanding of UFO drives, for it suggests that in order to balance the craft's movement through our atmosphere the craft uses one force to pull it upward and another (slightly lesser) opposing force to pull it downwards like an anchor, and initially this was thought only to provide greater stability at low hovering velocities (ever seen those 'old' reports of UFOs back in the 1980s where they were perceived to wobble whilst attempting to hover stationary in mid-air...UFOs were so basic back then...) - so this "new** generation" of dual-propagation craft appear now in our skies with much more grace and fluidity. But seriously, these new energy signatures might also indicate that their dual power-drive secondary system is required to hold the craft in a hovering balance between much greater forces developed around these craft than are needed to merely hover, and that such a dual configuration gives these craft a much greater power-base (higher zero point energy level) with which to instantly accelerate away from their hover position with enormous speeds, and to relocate their position in a very short space of time, and even (in what I would term 'showing-off' displays - of which are now becoming quite common) to 'blink out' and become unseen in the air for short periods of time (see Mark Olson's footage of the UFO above him blinking out in the "Visitors: California UFO Wave" 2004 DVD) - and then to blink back into sight at the same location in the sky some moments later...
[** Indeed, 'new generation' is not quite the right phrase as this phenomenon was noted and explained in the July 17 1957 observation by a USAF crew of a RB-47H chasing a UFO (pdf) in the skies over Utah, in which report several of the crew described seeing the UFO instantly blinking out of sight from close proximity and moments later blinking back into sight again in line with its earlier trajectory, the same report states that personnel at USAF ground-radar stations tracking the situation also confirmed that the object blinked off from their radar screens at the same time the airborne crew saw it disappear. This report also noted, interestingly, that the UFO craft's electrical signature consisted of a pulsed propagation emanating from it, of around 3 GHz.]
The anchor of tension
So for this second line of conjecture, perhaps we should develop this notion of a dual drive system a little further and consider the benefits of being able to develop in the surrounding air a virtual anchor that holds the craft - even while the opposite drive system is winding itself up to full power. Because from the analogy above (toward the head of this document) of winding up a clockwork spring it will be obvious that the power stored into that spring would increase dramatically should the axial end of that spring be firmly HELD.
If then the UFO, as does seem to be the case in all the above mentioned film footage, can connect itself, or its energy envelope, with the local spatial environment in such a way as to become solid to it, while strain is being applied through a force field projected into the opposite direction forward from the same craft, then it should be clear that the projected field while it reaches far ahead of the craft is essentially STORING POTENTIAL ENERGY ahead of itself in that field along the intended path of travel, and once the anchor link securing the craft to the existing environment is severed then the craft will accelerate both by its immediate power drive AND by the drive power it has stored into its projected energy field - with which it has so cleverly lined its route...
The result of using this sort of drive system will depend upon how much the forward-projected energy field is stressed and twisted beforehand, it will depend upon this plasma's rotational speed and the diameter of the rotating field's bore for instance, and how much power is put into it; it will depend upon how strong the opposing force, the anchor, is made before it is severed (in other words how 'solid' the craft is made to connect with the surrounding space, and in some extreme cases the craft's opposite spatial and distant environment); and it will depend upon HOW that opposing field is severed.
We have already observed that an energy field can be projected ahead of such craft from the1990s film footage of UFO craft flying over Mexico city (it was also this sort of energy field projection that was observed by Clark McClelland, Former ScO, Space Shuttle Fleet, KSC, Florida, when he sighted two high altitude globes repeatedly launching energy fields ahead of them and riding into them as they traversed the sky over Belize in March 2002). And too, just as Jeff Savage the originator of the Onion Drive system points out, "It is much like the water pressure in life at the bottom of the sea, it ends up in tons per square inch. If you were on the bottom of the ocean and all of a sudden there was a 20" column of free air over your head you would be "fired" up to the surface by the ambient pressure all around you. You would collect quite an impressive velocity equal to the pressure at your feet measured in tons per square inch. I would imagine it would be like being fired from a high powered rifle AND almost instantaneously."
This use of power-balanced DUAL force-drives by a UFO would also explain the sightings that describe the craft zig-zagging back-and-forth between one area of the sky and another in seemingly impossibly-high-G-force maneuvers. And the ninety-degree turns UFOs make at very high altitudes above earth; presumably they move on one course on one drive and then switch over to the other drive which has been previously aligned to the new course. No need to steer the craft, merely do they plot a series of course-trajectories and just monitor the switch-over stages.
Don't dare call this a 'wormhole' drive... Don't !
But nor is this type of drive an "Alcubierre" either, because as Michael Szpir explains in his articleSpaceTime Hypersurfing published in American Scientist (Vol 82) also at http://www.islandone.org/Propulsion/Alcubierre.html,
"The warp drive envisioned by Alcubierre is made possible by the subtleties of Einstein's general theory of relativity. According to Einstein, spacetime (the union of the three dimensions of space with the dimension of time) is not an inert substrate, but rather a dynamical entity that twists and distorts under the influence of concentrations of energy. Alcubierre suggests that it might be possible to exploit this phenomenon to travel from one star to another faster than the speed of light. This could be done by creating a disturbance in spacetime such that the region directly in front of a spaceship is contracted while the region directly behind the spaceship isexpanded."
It is though the dynamic quality to spacetime that can be utilized in the double-helix force-field drive (that exerts a torsional strain ahead of it) wherein in order to initiate a long distance journey through space such an energy perturbation would be extended far into space ahead of the craft. The travel speed capabilities of such a drive system would be dependent wholly upon the elasticity of the universal matrix, and considering that the integrity of the elastic universal matrix must surely be nigh-on indestructible - and considering that the renormalization*** process of the elasticity of space has as physicist believe the potential of being infinite, then why should there not be the possibility of FTL (faster-than-light) travel over vast distances of space by this method of manipulating an imbalance in these energies in space and utilizing the infinite renormalizing force ? [*** For renormalization - see below.]
Dielectric constant of the polarizable Vacuum
I do though applaud physicist Dr. Hal Puthoff (of the Institute For Advanced Studies - Austin, Texas) for his very well planned, and delivered, program of inquiry into the energy of the vacuum of space that has prepared us over the last seventeen or so years for exactly this sort of power drive system. Puthoff has based his inquiry upon Andrei Sakharov's (1967) view of gravitation and upon what Sakharov had termed the "metric elasticity of space"; and upon the premise that particle fluctuations, such as the electron orbit fluctuation in the hydrogen atom (see image)
, can be linked to an electromagnetic force in the vacuum of space (ref: ZPE, ZPF, Lamb-Retherford Shift - also see "Gravitation" C.W.Misner, K.S.Thorne, J.A.Wheeler 1971 p426-8, 1190-4. For a fuller list of related and more recent papers see note 10 on my ufonote webpage), and that from this (ZPF) fluctuation principle, that everything has a harmonic oscillation or resonant frequency within this electromagnetic field, he suggests that gravity is essentially an electromagnetic side-effect. Puthoff's favourite 'thimble-full of energy' concept regarding ZPE (zero-point-energy) is alluded to here by Marc G. Millis of the Space Propulsion Technology Division, NASA Lewis Research Center, in his Interstellar Propulsion Society Newsletter article (Vol. I, No. 1, July 1, 1995) where he offers, "If all the energy for all the possible frequencies is summed up, the result is an enormous energy density, ranging from 1036 to 1070 Joules/m3. In simplistic terms there is enough energy in a cubic centimeter of the empty vacuum to boil away Earth's oceans." (fromhttp://www.ufoevidence.org/documents/doc1104.htm).
But going back to Sakharov, and to follow on from his proposition "that gravitation is not a fundamental interaction at all, but rather an induced effect brought about by changes in the quantum-fluctuation energy of the vacuum when matter is present." [see note 10 above for which paper this is taken from], Dr. Puthoff (and his co-authors) shows us, quite carefully, that the way to go with space travel is to find ways to "engineer the vacuum" as he puts it (in "Engineering the Zero-Point Field and Polarizable Vacuum for Interstellar Flight" by H.E.Puthoff, S.R.Little, M.Ibison - JBIS vol 55 pp137-44, 2002), and further gives examples in appendix A of this document of how a linear momentum can be stored into an electromagnetic field. While in appendix B of the above offers the Polarizable Vacuum (See "PV" .pdf file) approach to Einstein's General Relativity (GR) which treats the vacuum as a polarizable medium, with the following formulation;
"In this PV formulation of GR, changes in the vacuum dielectric constant K are driven by mass density (first term), EM energy density (second term), and the vacuum polarization energy density itself (third term).
(The constant , where G is the gravitational constant.)"
Further to the above formulation, to illustrate that the vacuum's dielectric constant can be modified to below unity (K ≤ 1) this document also suggests, quite pointedly, that a created perturbation in the vacuum can result in the velocity of light being locally increased, and consequently a decreasing of mass, a blue-shift, and a transition to higher energy states...
[Why indeed should the PV - Polarizable Vacuum approach to Einstein's General Theory of Relativity be used ? Mainly because, as Yilmaz has pointed out that Einstein's General Theory of Relativity is incomplete, and claims that Einstein's equations only relate to simple one-body problems (the effect of only one gravitational mass on an inconsequential test particle), and shows that for two-body or n-body problems the Einstein equations are inadequate. With this in mind Dr. Puthoff and co-researchers are only using PV approach because it is more adequate at this time than GR. See Yilmaz, H., "Toward a Field Theory of Gravitation", In Il Nuovo Cimento, Vol. 107B, no. 8, p. 941-960, (Aug 1992).]
Probably the most un-emphatic name ever given to what purports to be an energy phenomenonis... "zero point energy" - Balance Point Energy is a much more dynamic name and infers so much more... Marcus Hollingshead, has the best example of Balance Point Energy [zpe]... forget theCasimir effect, the notion that it can oneday yield useful energy is a vague fantasy that belongs surely to something that came out of a Walt Disney Studio coffee-break discussion, please, take a look at what the British inventor Marcus Hollingshead has achieved with his gravity amplifier system [And I must note here, that I think it is interesting that a lone inventor working on a shoe-string budget has discovered a unique principle of gravity manipulation - while physicists in the mega-funded science labs have tottered around with looser-jet engined planes such as NASA'sX43A that is so high-Mach that it cant carry humans without mushing their bodies ! PEP].
What Marcus Hollingshead has done is figured out what gravity is by looking at the model of our own planet's iron core, he has learned from Nature, and in doing so he has developed a way to understand how the gravity force is the result of many other forces present, and in balance, deep within the most basic building block, the atom. What Hollingshead, and the Cambridge physicists helping him have done is they have looked at the atom's structure and said, what if we unbalance that structure - not in the irresponsible and rambo style of Oppenheimer but in a more gentle and controlled way - what if we hoodwink the proton of the nucleus into being a neutron... what will happen from such an imbalance ? So with that question in mind this British team of engineers and physicists set out to find and have found a way to safely concentrate, by using multiple-magnetic fields, the electron orbits and fields of the atom's structure and bond an electron to the proton in the nucleus so that the proton mimics the electrical properties of a neutron. Now, if the proton acts like a neutron then the real neutrons will be subject to an imbalance in the nucleus and will want to pull in more and more electrons/negative energy to compensate to try and maintain the "normal" state of balance within the nucleus - hence what happens is a continual pulling-in of more and more energy to try to catch up with the imbalance engineered into the atom (and, we must not forget, into the electromagnetic (zpe) environment outside the atom which also strives for balance). Hence, as Hollingshead himself states, you get an electron-pump, a continual pulling in of energy, likened to that of an electrical vacuum... And one of the side-effects of that in-pulling of additional energy - because the energy has to go somewhere and turn into something after it is pulled in - is that it basically boosts the atomic field-effect which we think of as gravity. The resulting isotropic field all around the core of this system is then given direction by electromagnetic means and you have the gravity field effect vector which can be used in... gravity manipulation. [The latest figures from the Hollingshead camp are six to seven thousand kilos of lift-force... nothing to be sniffed at.]
Density differentials in rotating EM fields
When I had the good fortune to study, some years ago, the English and German texts of Viktor Schauberger's research into rotating energy fields (that led him to build turbine-drive machines which were sucked weightless into the air above them) I couldn't help but notice that there was then, and probably still is, an amount of confusion among researchers as to what sort of phenomenon his turbines actually created in the air surrounding those turbines. To me it was a density differential - both electromagnetic and of pressure that his turbines like the Repulsine created and took advantage of. What Schauberger discovered and witnessed in his machines was a way to separate the positively-charged and the negatively-charged components of a fluid, such as air or water, which he discovered are affected to an unequal degree within the same centrifugal environment. [With this in mind it may prove to be an interesting development of ZPE - Balance Point Energy - studies, and may provide a simple test to not only detect ZPE balance-point-energy influences but may also provide a better understanding of the effect this outside exchange of energy has on an atomic level system central to it.] This of course is not a technology for the faint-hearted physicist, but more for the hardy electronics engineers who have studied Schauberger and who will know that such a system at first separates atomic structure and then after-which, in the final part of its process, recombines that structure into a quite different configuration, in a process not too dissimilar to the above process of Hollingshead whereby in the atomic nucleus the neutrons are hoodwinked into believing the proton is behaving like a neutron and subsequently haul in huge amounts of electrical energy in order to compensate - which for those who have understood Schauberger's oligodynamic (decompositioning) process and hisplasmolysis (concentration) process will understand also that the resulting attracting force created above the turbine (or craft), which sucks it upward into the air, is nothing less than the development of a rotating field of a concentrated unbalanced energy - which engineers a density differential at a distance from the turbine (or craft) into which it is upward-drawn.
Density differential dynamics is the line of research needed to be investigated with regard to UFO drive systems, with respect to rotating energy fields, in order to project into and "unbalance" that which is normally held in balance (and once it has been unbalanced can always be counted upon to return with great force back to its former state of balance).
From whence doth UFO energy cometh asks Isaac
That any researchers should ask this question suggests they have not been doing their homework lately ! The question as to whether the ZPE field will eventually offer a return of any value has already been answered, in ZPE's favor. Indeed there is a concerted effort now in the US and British aerospace industry to research ZPE and to tap into its limitless reserves of power (see Aviation Week & Space Technology March 1st, 2004 p50).
But the energy engineer has known where this energy comes from for years ! Prof. J.R.R.Searl for instance was once all set to provide a German national power company with eight SEG turbines to provide a total output of 240 megawatts, all from a frequency-dependent process that extractedelectrons through the ZPF phenomenon of the aether, using as a transposing medium a combination of rare-earth materials, ferroelectric-metals and special dielectric-insulators, in a process allied to the Lamb-Retherford Shift or zitterbewegung force (see Tom Bearden note on this).
[I say extracted here because the usual frequency range for such energy-shifts and ionization to take place in free air is between 1 to 3 Ghz, or in other words frequencies much higher than the SEG would normally operate at - so it shows there is an inducing phenomenon occurring here that is probably also down to the characteristics of the dielectric materials Searl used - characteristics that are as yet unaccounted for by any researchers].
One conservative estimate has put the electron output of a Searl's SEG (18 cm dia. or 7" dia.) generator at 106 electrons/cm2 . Although this report does not specify the frequency nor rpm the generator was running at, if we surmise that such an output were possible in its self-running power-generation mode (rather than in its inverted gravity mode where a much higher output would shoot the thing off into the air), we can at least use this figure to work by. Certainly this figure for Searl's SEG is a huge improvement over the piddly outputs registered so far through the "Casimir effect" research, which is perhaps being used presently as a "front" for the more rewarding research going on in ZPE. I compare this 106 electrons/cm2 output of Searl's SEG to the output (even though it is not self-driven and needs an input of 5 to 20 kilovolts) of an air-ionizer developed by Patrick Flanagan several years ago, that had an electron output of 6 x 1013 electrons/cm2 from a very simple sandwich of an 8 cm (3 inch) dielectric slab between two metal electrodes oscillated at up to 38 kHz. What the above two examples suggest more than anything is, that there is a phenomenon whereby a juxtaposed combination of conducting materials and dielectric materialscan supply large amounts of electrons/ions if such a combination or compound is pummeled within a LOW FREQUENCY oscillating electromagnetic field. Are such effects explainable through the ZPE hypothesis, I wonder ?
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