"A Nazi aeronautical engineer, a certain Herr Mieth -- who had designed four different
types of saucer shaped craft by 1943 using either rocket power or DONUT
CONFIGURATION jet turbine engines, with the cabin stabilized by gyro, the compressors
rotating in one direction and the expansion chambers and vectored exhausts rotating in
the opposite direction -- was traced to Canada in 1947 and began work for the A. V. Roe
company [Avroe disk]. The phony AVROE 'aircar' was definitely to disinform the press as
to the real projects underway underground in Canada.
"The eight mile long train that went out of Austria in 1945 [672 train cars!], to the coast of
Brittany, the contents loaded on board SHIPS, eventually end[ed] up underground in
Southwestern Canada. At the same time over 100 prefab factory buildings were shipped
from England to British Columbia.
"...the Nazis had everything before any other country, they had radar in 1933, they had
infra-red sensors, heavy water, etc., etc. We have been told lie after lie in terms of who
invented these things. If anyone in the world had access to 'alien' technology it was
the...'Aryans' [Nazis]. Their metallurgy and casting were flawed or they would have
conquered the world. As you probably know, many expatriate Nazis were given carte
blanche, new I.D.'s., and were included in [the] startup of more than several departments
of the CIA in 1947. Departments including 'genetics and cloning' [with some of the same
'doctors' who had given death camp residents gangrene, etc.] 'designer drugs and mind
control' using the same scientists who had designed Methadone and Methedrine for Hitler's
maniac efforts. In 1952, a public stir caused the CIA to shuffle these fab fellows out of
town. My guess is to various underground centers that were being built.
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