The UFO's outer rim
The craft's outer rim which, from Betty's descriptions and drawings, appears to be hollow and feature-less, and at first I thought the rim was only to facilitate an air-flow restriction for the radial-
I say this because two of the drawings in "Andreasson Affair" (p37 & p123) show what appears to look like bad designing, or bad workmanship, of the UFO - they show agully, a high-ridged gully right inside the entrance over which Betty had to step in order to move to the inner sections of the ship. Strange, most all reports of grays have them 'hovering' or 'gliding' over the perfectly flat decks to their ships ! Rarely are grays seen to walk, run or 'step' anywhere ! So this is bad design - or incredibly brilliant designing, for it could be that the gully that Betty had to step over was to allow some of the energy spiralling out from the center along the radial-planar-wave-guide to channel into the craft's rim and be contained there to rotate around the whole craft inside it (see my fig.008), and such a rotating field at the rim of the craft will, in conjunction with the main toroid field create a magnetic bottle (for the duct) AND it will pull down the toroid's magnetic flux around the upper dome (see figures 8e & 8f), to strengthen it and thereby provide the sort of EM force that pulls the ions (spiralling out the center through the duct) AROUND the outer curve, like a Coanda-curve-force, to make these ions hug the outer surface of the duct - and form into a frustum-shaped field of particles spinning around the outside perimeter of the upper dome. Once the frustum field has formed outside the craft then the dynamics of the frustum shape of this field will dictate that charged particles while spinning round the craft will be drawn upward toward it's smaller radius of curvature - ie its inner radius - and consequently that the particle's (electron/neg ion's) velocity would increase as it spins toward the center or axis of the craft. Now, in order to conserve angular momentum as the particles spiral in ever decreasingradius they speed up and in doing so they will also extrude the magnetic field into the shape of acone. This happens in the Searl Effect SEG drive and is the start of what I call the Maypole Effect.
Because, once this magnetic cone field starts to develop out of the frustum field the Maypole Effectwill take over (for the charged particles moving through it spin at ever increasing velocities and when they arrive at the cone's apex they have no where to go but UP), forming a helical flow of electrically charged particles that quickly extends into the air above the craft. As per electromagnetic theory a helical flow with magnetic flux lines through it's center and around it's outside - which is what is occurring here - will produce a self-confining force (known as the Pinch Effect - see the Peter Thomson electromagnetic theory webpage for this) upon the particles to keep the helix intact and STABLE... And as is said at the head of this document, at the right frequency this rotating plasma field BECOMES SOLID with the surrounding aether - and the craft gets pulled into this disturbance it creates ahead of it in the air.
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