I have for a long time insisted these spheres were made of quartz and while doing so had conveniently ignored several important points Betty Luca had mentioned in her descriptions and drawings of them. After reading a description of the layer of neodymiumused in the Searl generator, which featured so prominently in the ionization process of his generators, I suddenly realised these spheres (of the UFO described by Betty Luca) need to also function with electron 'attracting' granules or particles doped into them - and that they may simply be made of a dielectric glass-like substance rather than quartz. Further to the drawings made and published by her the top spheres she explains exhibited different degrees of brightness. Small pockets of "arc-welder brightness" were seen and described by Betty Luca as glowing inside these spheres when she was shown how the craft worked, and such a description of glowing-brightness is testament to ionization from highly energized particles embedded within these 'glass' spheres when they are 'excited' by an oscillating EM field.
If then, electrons are given off by these spheres they will collect round the top sphere because of its high density of magnetic flux lines – so presumably the top sphere will become the most negatively charged terminal in this central assembly.
The Andreasson UFO craft
The drawings of the overall shape of the UFO craft published in the first of the Andreasson Affairbooks were slightly misleading but as the additional publications of theAndreasson Affair series progressed a greater insight into the craft's shape and indeed it's internal functions could be appreciated, and when Betty Luca's most recent "ASBT" booklets were published by her in 1999, which included detailed drawings of the craft's 'power system' a much

morecomprehensive understanding of their workings could be gleaned. Impossible and strange though it may seem the major details of the actual power system for this type of UFO are given in fig.9 (shown here to the right).

D) The oscillation created can be controlled by configuring a switching mechanisms into any of the four wheels or any of the arm-assemblies holding the wheels (ie four quadrants can be energized, or three, or two, or one, or none). Frequency of oscillation (and thus power output) can also be controlled by the rotational speed of the whole sphere-set assembly.

Concentration of flux lines through the stem coil especially at its smallest diameter (at the top) ensures that electrons will spin around the stem and top sphere. Here again, because the stem's magnetic field will be in constant oscillation so will the electron motion be constantly changing direction (continually emitting photons too).
When the flux lines are pulled they will form a converging non-uniform field centered on the top spheres. Pos ions will thus be hauled toward the top spheres by electrophoresis resulting in recombination (of positive ions with the negative charges circulating the top spheres). There will also be a "mirror" effect a few inches away from these spheres (see fig.004) because of the convergence of the magnetic flux lines into them in such a small volume, and the effect of charged

particles spinning into such a converging density of flux lines will cause them to mirror (turn back on their path); so there is a sort of trap created around the top spheres that will cause the charged particles to hurtle back and forth over short paths just a few inches away from the top spheres. Hence the bright bars of light "brighter than a welders arc light striking against metal" described by Betty Luca appearing a few inches away from the surface of these spheres.
Toroid shell's lower magnetic field

The added bonus of course (and this is what separates ET genius from terrestrial scientific design) to this ingenious method of molding the toroid's magnetic field is that every-time the top field is re-routed the toroid's lower field also gets re-routed (as in the figs.8e and 8f above). If we bear in mind that the circular base which

locates the four sphere-sets could be made of a non-magnetic material (of low or zero magnetic permeability - perhaps such as their crystalline copper) so that it will not allow flux lines to pass through it, then it can be seen that when the stem coils are energized the lower toroid field will re-route and pass through the hole in the center of the circular base[Although, because any charged ions will only pass through this hole in the base it would seem consequential that the flux would have to converge here anyway].
This throws a pulsed four-pronged "funnel" of flux lines down the center of the sphere sets to converge through the central hole (see fig.005 and some more animation aviB.gif). The funnel will of course capture any charged particles nearby and spin them into a vortex. But again, looking at this funnel and the constriction of its flux lines at the hole it must be assumed that this constriction would act as a choke, for the extreme density of flux at this hole would probably not allow most of the charged particles to spin through it, but rather would force them to repeatedly mirror back up into the vortex. So this area of the craft would also exhibit an extreme brightness from the

acceleration of particular angular momentum and from the mirroring. Indeed, at the center here, around this vortex, all sorts of fascinating mechanisms can be put in place to further utilize this highly energized and dynamic energy, but which are presently outside the scope of this document.
Another interesting by-product of the central vortex of charged particles will be the tremendous back-EMF forces created by the momentum of the spinning particles every-time the toroid's lower field collapses (everytime it is pulsed).
What's in the toroid shell
In the course of this research project I have discussed many factors, and theories, with Betty Luca over the years and on many occasions Betty has provided me with just that extra piece of information that clarifies these seemingly disparate aspects of these craft. Many times she has duly obliged by recalling from memory additional snippets and subtle nuances that have allowed me to better piece together the workings of these UFOs - and I thank her whole-heartedly for her patience and co-operation. Regrettably she remembers (or the ET beings purposely blanked her) very few details about the toroid casing and EXACTLY what it held.
Not to worry, what Betty does recall however, from a journey in one of these craft is a scene (also see note 1) where the ET's craft had landed and its crew of grays had busily arranged two long lengths of flexible pipe to run between the craft's lower hull and a nearby lake of water. From the fact that there were two such pipes, and that these pipes became electrically charged (and that an accidental crossing-over of these pipes led to a high intensity arc-discharge between them which was so intense that it scarred both Betty's retinas) it might be assumed that the ETs were not merely collecting water and pumping it into their craft - but that they were processing the water in some way - and returning the waste-residue after it had been processed by the craft back to the lake - and that there was an electrical PD between the in-flowing water and the out-flowing water. On this assumption it may be conjectured that the ETs were processing the water for a gas, such as deuterium (electrically polarized heavy hydrogen) - and filling up the toroid shell with it, and as I say above, spiralling it inside the toroid to create a suitable magnetic field.
So deuterium gas is what I believe is utilized inside the toroid shell. And it is either circulated inside the toroid as one whole body of gas, or it is pumped through a dual pipe system of spiral configuration (as in the aviC animation already mentioned). Whatever the fluid is it needs to be an electrically polarized gas configured in such a way as to generate the dual magnetic field I have ascribed to this toroid - so if it is channeled through pipes then the lower will have to circulate in opposite rotation to the upper.
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